Friday, July 27, 2012

Keeping up with the "Skinny Rules"- Day 5

So the theme for this week is hurtles. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly jumping hurtles to make sure I stick to this new plan. But what's a challenge without anything to overcome? Well, its nothing really because challenges are just obstacles we overcome.

This week has a few major obstacles standing in the way. First, and probably the easier one to get past is being aware of my surroundings. I love being social with friends and family, especially in the summer when things aren't as hectic. However the social aspect usually involves eating out. Whether its grabbing a bite with a friend I haven't seen in years, or opting for the most convenient dinner choice, I feel like I have frequented a larger percentage of restaurants around the area lately. Its such a challenge to stick to the skinny rules when out on the town. I'm learning planning ahead is really the key to being successful. Plus suggesting making dinner is usually well received and keeps the bulk off my body and in my wallet. Nothing wrong with a chubby wallet! :)

The other challenge this week has been keeping my carb consumption to the morning time  (Rule # 7). I love carbs. Plain and simple. In high school I cut back on eating sweets considerably, but I basically replaced them with carbs... granola bars, cereal based trail mixes... those are my kryptonites! Oh and don't forget peanut butter filled pretzels or animal crackers. There's no turning those down (besides its all about moderation right? ;) ) I'm finding though that if I make sure to include carbs in breakfast and a morning snack I'm more successful at ignoring them later on in the day. It will still be a challenge to make sure I follow this rule for the next 3 weeks though. Bob suggests using other motivations to keep yourself in check when temptation is staring you in the tummy. Things such as treating yourself to a new pair of shoes or a movie after following the rules for the week. The more you follow the rules the more extravagant your reward. I love this idea! However, I usually find myself saying, "After completing [insert any event or challenge here] I'm getting cupcakes!" or "Once [whatever deadline I'm currently facing] is over let's celebrate at that new restaurant that just opened!" While this is fabulous motivation... and it really works!... its not the always the best for maintaining the lifestyle I want. I can usually talk myself into rewards involving cupcakes or new restaurants very easily. I read in a magazine though (I think it was Self, but I'm not sure) to use things such as planning a trip, or treating yourself to a spa day, new piece of clothing, etc. as motivation rather than food. I love this idea for two reasons: first, I'll be less likely to yo-yo around with my health and secondly, it stops me from impulse shopping, hahaha!

Yesterday and today's workouts were inspired by two that I had pinned earlier in the summer (I love actually doing or buying the things I post on Pinterest. It keeps things fresh!) Both workouts come from the blog Peanut Butter Fingers. The name drew me in, obviously (Oh how I love peanut butter!) but once I started exploring the site I found so many great recipes and workouts! I highly recommend it! Yesterday I focused on cardio and completed a 45 min interval walk/run workout and today was a strength based day focused on arms and abs. I've used the workouts before and love them both! So effective!

This evening will be filled with an athletic inspiration as well while watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. I love them! Its so fascinating to watch such strong athletes push themselves to the limits as the world comes together to cheer them on! I'm sure I'll be tuned in at some point each day (if not all day) during the whole experience! I can't wait! Go World!!!

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