Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hurtling: Overcoming Health and Fitness Road-blocks

Time for a little honesty:

I know this challenge was mainly designed to help me get "back on track" with my healthy lifestyle. And while I feel as if I have been fairly dedicated to following the rules Harper explicitly lays out in his book I know I have not been as strictly adherent to them as I probably should be. There are two conclusions I draw from this: first, I consider myself to be a fairly healthy person. I'm not super rigid about my diet and perhaps I should be a little less lax. Second, I'm not sure I can reap the full benefits of these rules, in the sense of seeing clear changes, because I'm already a pretty healthy person. I'm not in any medical danger due to my size, nor would I consider myself (the BMI doesn't either) "overweight".

Therefore, I think I need to change my approach to achieving my goals. What I really want to focus on right now is getting leaner and stronger. When I think about the time I felt happiest with myself I immediately think of when I was at my strongest. I wasn't worried if I missed a workout or decided to splurge a little while out with friends. At the same time I was also more conscientious of sticking to a cleaner diet and a stricter gym routine.

So how do I get back to where I was? Well as I mentioned in my first post, I enjoy challenging myself physically and my newest challenge is CrossFit! I'm really really excited (and unbelievable nervous!) to start the program. I've been very interested in CrossFit for about six months now. Groupon just sent me an offer for a local CrossFit facility ( so I thought, "its now or... once I get a better income!" I love the idea of mixing intense strengthening moves with high-intensity cardio bursts. Since I'm not great at balancing these two out, I think following a program (and having  instructors pushing me to my limits) will help me achieve my over-all goal.

I still don't know very much about CrossFit so I'm sure I'll need to do some more research before classes begin. Walking into a session without a mild understanding of the concept of CrossFit just doesn't seem like a wise thing to do. These workouts are intense and I don't want to be surprised, or scared... too much! Anyone with any CrossFit experience or tips feel free to leave comments!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Keeping up with the "Skinny Rules": Week 2 Day 3

Today is off to a much, much better start than yesterday. Let's just pretend yesterday didn't happen and we're just starting fresh today.

This morning's workout was a much needed endurance run. Its been a long time since I've done some distance running and I'm finding myself more and more intrigued by the idea of a marathon. After my half-marathon experience last October I was convinced I wanted nothing to do with running a full marathon. The race was boring, not well attended. It was cold, damp, and lonely. Not exactly what I call an inspiring motivational experience. After the race I was in so much pain. I curled up in a ball and was shaking my muscles were so fatigued. However, the feeling of accomplishing such a challenging task was absolutely amazing! It was worth all the hard hours spent training, stretching, strengthening and sweating!  I'd like to try a destination run because I think that would offer all the motivation to get backing into logging those miles! I'm open to any suggestions!

So after logging a five miler today I finished up with some ab work (planks, Russian twists, bicycles, and traditional sit-ups) which had me sweating away!

Last night I made an egg-white breakfast wrap for this morning. It was a whole wheat wrap topped with some shredded mozzarella, spinach, tomato and of course, the eggs whites (I used 3). It was the perfect way to refuel after my run this morning and helped keep me full until my "mid-morning power boost" which was a mix of melons and some pineapple. Perfect for summer!

Thanks to my wonderful boyfriend, getting lunch together for today was a cinch! We had Chipotle for dinner last night and I used half of my salad for lunch today. Paired with an apple, my belly is full and I'm ready to keep up with the girls all afternoon.

Tonight will be the biggest challenge for staying on track since we're headed to the Red's game. I'm really excited (and hoping they play better than last night) but there is nothing better than a pretzel and a beer while watching Zack Cozart bat. I'm not sure Bob would be thrilled with those choices so I might have to pack a little snack along that is more "Skinny Rules" friendly.

The challenge for this week: Rule #15: Make 10 or more of your meals at home!

Normally this would not be a challenge at all since I really enjoy cooking. I have a slight recipe addiction problem if we're being completely honest haha. There's something rewarding about having a delicious meal and knowing I created it  (even if all I did was follow the recipe :) ). However, this week is so busy with friends and events that its getting more and more challenging to make the meals. I think if I stick with the other rules set by Harper, I'll still be able to post a successful week.

Here's to the afternoon!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Keeping up with the "Skinny Rules"- Day 5

So the theme for this week is hurtles. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly jumping hurtles to make sure I stick to this new plan. But what's a challenge without anything to overcome? Well, its nothing really because challenges are just obstacles we overcome.

This week has a few major obstacles standing in the way. First, and probably the easier one to get past is being aware of my surroundings. I love being social with friends and family, especially in the summer when things aren't as hectic. However the social aspect usually involves eating out. Whether its grabbing a bite with a friend I haven't seen in years, or opting for the most convenient dinner choice, I feel like I have frequented a larger percentage of restaurants around the area lately. Its such a challenge to stick to the skinny rules when out on the town. I'm learning planning ahead is really the key to being successful. Plus suggesting making dinner is usually well received and keeps the bulk off my body and in my wallet. Nothing wrong with a chubby wallet! :)

The other challenge this week has been keeping my carb consumption to the morning time  (Rule # 7). I love carbs. Plain and simple. In high school I cut back on eating sweets considerably, but I basically replaced them with carbs... granola bars, cereal based trail mixes... those are my kryptonites! Oh and don't forget peanut butter filled pretzels or animal crackers. There's no turning those down (besides its all about moderation right? ;) ) I'm finding though that if I make sure to include carbs in breakfast and a morning snack I'm more successful at ignoring them later on in the day. It will still be a challenge to make sure I follow this rule for the next 3 weeks though. Bob suggests using other motivations to keep yourself in check when temptation is staring you in the tummy. Things such as treating yourself to a new pair of shoes or a movie after following the rules for the week. The more you follow the rules the more extravagant your reward. I love this idea! However, I usually find myself saying, "After completing [insert any event or challenge here] I'm getting cupcakes!" or "Once [whatever deadline I'm currently facing] is over let's celebrate at that new restaurant that just opened!" While this is fabulous motivation... and it really works!... its not the always the best for maintaining the lifestyle I want. I can usually talk myself into rewards involving cupcakes or new restaurants very easily. I read in a magazine though (I think it was Self, but I'm not sure) to use things such as planning a trip, or treating yourself to a spa day, new piece of clothing, etc. as motivation rather than food. I love this idea for two reasons: first, I'll be less likely to yo-yo around with my health and secondly, it stops me from impulse shopping, hahaha!

Yesterday and today's workouts were inspired by two that I had pinned earlier in the summer (I love actually doing or buying the things I post on Pinterest. It keeps things fresh!) Both workouts come from the blog Peanut Butter Fingers. The name drew me in, obviously (Oh how I love peanut butter!) but once I started exploring the site I found so many great recipes and workouts! I highly recommend it! Yesterday I focused on cardio and completed a 45 min interval walk/run workout and today was a strength based day focused on arms and abs. I've used the workouts before and love them both! So effective!

This evening will be filled with an athletic inspiration as well while watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. I love them! Its so fascinating to watch such strong athletes push themselves to the limits as the world comes together to cheer them on! I'm sure I'll be tuned in at some point each day (if not all day) during the whole experience! I can't wait! Go World!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 3: Focusing on Rule # 2: Don't Drink Your Calories

Bob focuses on making sure H20 is a priority for anyone following the "skinny rules." So much so that his plan calls for a LARGE glass of water within 15 minutes of waking up and drinking 16 ounces before (I drink it along with) each meal. The benefits of staying hydrated are constantly talked about in the world of health and fitness and play a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight.

With all this water intake however, there isn't much room for enjoying just about any other beverage! Not necessarily because the rules "forbid" drinking anything else, but mainly because you'll spend your whole day in the bathroom otherwise! I'm pretty good at staying hydrated already but while adjusting to a frequently changing schedule, coffee and I pretty much go hand in hand. Bob supports drinking coffee, as long as it isn't loaded up with added sugars! He recommends keeping your coffee habits very European: espresso (Or an Americano) or cappuccino (as long as its with skim or unsweetened almond milk). My pallet isn't quite ready for those strong flavors so I try to stick with unsweetened vanilla almond milk for a little flavor boost. Doesn't always work because I am a huge fan of the International Delight and Bailey's brands of coffee creamers! Moderation is key though!

Coffee was a MUST after this morning's early workout. Today focused on chest/ back and oblique strengthening in-between a quick run and some time on the stairclimber. I tried to focus on heavier weights with slower reps to really exhaust the muscles. I'm sure we'll know by tomorrow if it was a successful workout. I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling it then!

Like I mentioned yesterday, I love Bob's combination of greek yogurt, oats, and berries. I wasn't able to get a full 1/2 c of yogurt out of the container before it was gone so I added a handful of almonds for some extra protein and fiber. The strawberry overnight oats tasted great with a much needed mug of coffee!

Lunch was another adaptation of a recipe in the book, Bob's Tuna Niçoise Salad. The recipe (which I love!) calls for the white of one hardboiled egg, however since I used those up yesterday, I used a 5 ounce can of tuna instead of a 4 ounce can. I also added a little cutie for dessert again today and it hit the spot! Such a fancy feeling lunch without worrying if I killed any progress made this week so far.

Dinner is looking like the pesto roasted chicken with steamed green beans, depending on how long my volunteer meeting runs. I would love to share more info but its very esoteric and I'm really excited to be a part of something new to the city! (More details later ;) )

If anyone has questions about Bob's rules or recipes feel free to leave a comment and I'll give you as much feedback as possible!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Skinny Rules: Week 1, Day 2

Here we are on Day 2!

This morning's workout wasn't as hard to get motivated for as I thought it would be! After a week of sleeping in (until 6:30 haha) it was time to get back to my 5 am workouts. I had a little bit of trouble falling asleep as early as I needed to last night, but after such a busy weekend, it didn't take as long as I thought it would to drift off!

This morning I decided to take a break from running and split up my cardio with 10 minutes on the stairs followed by some intense leg strengthening sets and finished up with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I decided I could use a little muscle boost to help jump start my metabolism so I added some extra weight to my sets of lunges, squats, leg presses, and hamstring curls. Even though I had to cut my workout a little short this morning I still felt really great and sweaty!! :)

Breakfast this morning was greatly enjoyed while catching up with the two girls I nanny. As they gabbed about their weekend away I munched on a bowl of 1/2c oats, 1/2c greek yogurt and a chopped up apple topped with some cinnamon. It was very filling after waiting a little extra to eat this morning! I think this is my favorite breakfast combination Bob suggests because its filling, easy and usually you can swap the fruit out for just about any kind you like. The oats help keep you full with their fiber and the greek yogurt offers a good dose of protein!! I'll probably have this for breakfast 3 more times this week!

We took the dog on a quick walk this morning so we could all get a bit of exercise before enjoying a free movie! After Shorts (the girls loved it, I thought it was a little gross haha) we stopped by an awesome park while we waited for the library to open. We picked out several books for the week and we each chose a movie! Then it was back to the house for some much needed lunch.

Today I made Bob's Cobb Salad which included a "Harper-sized" (as much as you want) serving of greens, cut tomatoes and carrots topped with 3 whites of hard boiled eggs and 1 ounce of cheese (his recipe called for cheddar but I only had mozzarella on hand). I decided today would be meatless so I left out the chicken used in the recipe. Topped with balsamic the salad hit the spot and so did the cutie I packed for "dessert".

Now I have enough energy to keep up with the girls all afternoon!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Following the "Skinny Rules": Week 1, Day 1

For the record, I love myself. I'm not perfect but I don't want to be (where's the fun in that??). I'm always looking for a new challenge in helping me maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle.

This past fall I found myself really interested in "The Biggest Loser" (and by interested I mean semi-addicted). I had never really watched the show until its most recent season. I found myself cheering for the contestants who were hoping to turn their lives around for a fresh start. Maybe its because I had experienced that same feeling during my college years that made me so interested in the show. The contestants worked so hard, it was motivating me to continue achieving my fitness goals no matter how small or large.

While watching the show, I really grew to be a fan of Bob Harper. While he could appear very rough and gruff at times, it was clear that he always had the best intentions for his trainees. When his book, "The Skinny Rules" released a few months ago, I was immediately intrigued. As someone who fluctuates as consistently as the seasons, I was really excited about a set of clear cut rules I could follow year round. I read through the book and found some very eye-opening facts and helpful hints about nutrition.  So this is my attempt at putting the rules to the test and I'm very...excited for the challenge!

My Mission: Following Bob Harper's rules and meal plans for the next four weeks along with maintaining my regular fitness plan!

The goal: Not having to buy a new wardrobe, just a few celebratory pieces, when my student teaching term begins!

Predictions: I love accepting challenges and I can't bear not completing them. I think the hardest part will be following Rule # 18: Go to Bed Hungry  (I have recently developed a horrible habit of waking up in the middle of the night to eat peanut butter) and any regulations on peanut/almond butter intake. I need an intervention when it comes to that stuff!

So, Day 1:

So far, I feel really great about this challenge. I welcome it with my usual sassy attitude of "Bring it on!" Breakfast consisted of Greek Yogurt with oats and blueberries. Perfect for a summer morning! A quick snack of Bob's "No-Oil Hummus" and cucumbers was enjoyed at work and I'm currently finishing up my lunch of his "Signature Stir-Fry... loaded with veggies and chicken, and a bit of cashews for crunch!

Today is a rest day from any vigorous workout after completing a couple of weeks of prepping for "The Color Run" which was yesterday. By far one of my very favorite running/walking experiences to date! Everyone should try it!

Once I upload my pictures I'll make sure to post them!

Stay Healthy! Stay Happy! :)